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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Having an event and looking to add something unique that will advertise your Company? A Paparazzi Studios Mobile Studio is just the thing that provides clients, guests and patrons at your event with the opportunity to enjoy themselves and expose your company through a positive experience. 

Our mobile studios are one of the few, if not the only that will produce a header and footer on our photo strip as well as 4 photos, which can be uploaded immediately to future prospects via Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter and My Space). This means more fun while still providing just as much advertisement. 

Photo strips can be customised with your companies logo as a header PLUS an added caption or quote as the footer. Paparazzi Studios Mobile Studio can also be branded with your Company's Logo and advertisements for your event or function so you get even more exposure and positive appeal from your customers and client. Paparazzi Studios Mobile Studio which produce these keep-safe memorable photo strips will have people sharing, showing and saving there experience and amongst it all will be your company logo and advertisement. Allow us to do all the work and watch and see what impact our mobile studio will do for you and your business at your function or event. Packages are specifically designed to meet your needs.

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